All women are afraid of the first signs of aging, of age that increases every year and of the imprints of inexorable time on their faces. Around the age of 30, the famous "crow's feet" appear in the eye area. This initially almost imperceptible network of small wrinkles, radiating from the corners of the eyes in different directions, makes the look not as bright and attractive as before - in a word, it ages. Over time, these folds become clearer and deeper, and a look in the mirror can sow real panic in the heart of any woman. The thought feverishly begins to work in only one direction: how to remove wrinkles under the eyes quickly, effectively and efficiently? And the sooner a woman asks this question, the easier it will be for her to do it. There are several ways to get rid of this scourge.

Eliminate the root cause
Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, since it is impossible to eliminate the main cause of this natural phenomenon - age. Yes, the aging process cannot be stopped, but it is quite possible to slow it down by several years. Agree: It makes a big difference whether your beautiful eyes will be surrounded by fine wrinkles already at 35 or only at 45.
You can push the boundaries of aging if you understand what happens inside the cells and why one day in the mirror you notice with horror a network of hated "crow's feet" at the corners of your eyes.
- The skin around the eyes lacks the sebaceous glands that should moisturize it, so the gradual loss of moisture leads to the formation of wrinkles. Apply hydrating masks regularly and they will disappear.
- With age, cells are no longer able to produce collagen and elastin fibers in the same volume. Only rejuvenating salon treatments and smoothing masks for the skin around the eyes can make this happen.
- Wrinkles in this area are formed due to unfavorable atmospheric factors (heat, frost, snow, wind, ultraviolet radiation, etc. ). To remove them, you need to put on protective gear before going out, dress warmly and do not ignore hats in any weather.
- The aging process is accelerated due to excessive use of decorative eye cosmetics. Do you want fewer wrinkles in the eye area? Use a minimum of eye shadow, cosmetic pencil and mascara - this is the only option to solve the problem.
- Sitting at the computer for a long time and often is another reason for the formation of wrinkles under the eyes. To remove them, learn to take a break from the monitor.
- Fine folds and wrinkles can appear even at the age of 20 due to chronic lack of sleep. If this is the reason, only good sleep will help you get rid of the cosmetic defect.
- A poor, poor and unhealthy diet is another factor that causes the skin around the eyes to suffer. You can save it by eating not fast food, but fresh fruit and hot homemade soups.
Having understood why wrinkles appear around the eyes, you can try to somehow influence cellular processes and get rid of the root cause of your problems. For a while, until age finally takes over, this will correct the situation and small wrinkles under the eyes will become less noticeable and fade. If you can't remove them this way, you need to use other methods. If you're not sure you can do it yourself, contact a professional.

Contact a professional
If you trust specialists in this field, are not afraid of hardware cosmetology and have the financial means, you can ask for help in the nearest beauty salon. There they will tell you in detail how to remove wrinkles under the eyes using the latest developments. After the exam they will advise you which treatment is best for you, find out any contraindications and start preparing you for the procedure. Today all these treatments do not take much time, are completely painless and are not so expensive. Modern techniques that allow you to remove wrinkles around the eyes are presented quite widely. These include:
- mesotherapy: drugs are injected under the skin near the eyes to provide cells with active nutrients - they help produce elastin and collagen fibers;
- photorejuvenation: the same thing happens in cells and under the influence of pulsed light radiation;
- anti-aging masksagainst wrinkles around the eyes, organic acids smooth fine wrinkles and make deep ones less evident.
Modern cosmetology today uses the most effective and at the same time safest ways to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes, with minimal side effects and contraindications. The risk of complications with such procedures is reduced to almost zero. Despite this, many women, for some of their beliefs and internal reasons, do not want to go to beauty salons to solve this problem, but they will not stand it either. In this case, folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes come to the rescue.

Use folk remedies
Previously, women did not even know cosmetology, but they knew how to slow down the aging process for some time. Traditional medicine and years of accumulated experience can tell modern beauties how to remove wrinkles around the eyes quickly, inexpensively and with the help of the simplest products, herbs and oils. Regularly using all kinds of compresses, lotions, rejuvenating and firming masks for the skin around the eyes, you can eliminate wrinkles in this area in a week so that not a trace of them remains.
- Hot and cold compresses(cotton pads or pieces of gauze soaked in water at the appropriate temperature) effectively and quickly moisturize the skin in the eye area, providing the cells with the oxygen they need - and there will be fewer wrinkles.
- Self-massageThis area of the face regulates and improves blood circulation, which also supplies nutrients, minerals, vitamins and oxygen to the cells.
- Ice cubes(herbal infusions, teas, juices are frozen and applied to the eyelids) will perfectly cope with any wrinkles under the eyes.
Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes require practically no expense from you, and yet you need to be extremely careful with them. External use of herbs, honey and eggs in this part of the face often causes skin allergies, swelling or inflammation of the eyelids. To remove wrinkles around the eyes without side effects using such methods, you must first check the presence of allergens on the pulse of each product. The most popular are homemade masks that allow you to most effectively eliminate the hated "crow's feet" around the eyes.

Make a homemade mask
Not only small wrinkles, but also deep ones around the eyes can become less noticeable or disappear completely under the influence of anti-aging masks. To get rid of them, it is enough to use such remedies twice a week, before bedtime. After just a couple of weeks of such regular procedures, the skin around the eyes will smooth out, become elastic, fresh and young, and there will be no trace of wrinkles. All you have to do is enjoy the effect you get.
- Yeast mask.
Dilute the yeast (2 tablespoons) with warm milk (one tablespoon), cover and leave to ferment for an hour.
- Potato mask.
Grate the raw potatoes. Add cream (1 teaspoon) to the resulting puree (1 tablespoon).
- Apricot mask.
Mix chopped apricot pulp with fatty sour cream in equal proportions.
- Lemon mask.
Mix lemon juice (1 tablespoon) with raw protein, add a pinch of salt (1 g).
- Oatmeal mask.
Pour chopped oatmeal (2 tablespoons) with warm milk (the same amount), leave for half an hour.
- Honey mask.
Beat honey (1 tablespoon) with fresh egg whites, add wheat flour (1 teaspoon).
- Banana mask.
Mix banana pulp (1 tablespoon) with melted butter (the same amount).
Among the many ways to remove wrinkles under the eyes, you need to choose the one that suits your age, finances, skin type and individual body characteristics. If you do not trust folk remedies, you can turn to professionals for help. But in both cases you will have to find out the root cause of the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area and eliminate it. There is no need to think that time is responsible for everything, and it is impossible to fight and argue with it. Modern cosmetology has proven in practice that this is still possible. Rediscover a bright and youthful appearance, not surrounded by crow's feet: it's in your power.